Well, it is now 25 days after my last blog. I completed another weekend in my Reiki
Master Attunement Process. Actually two weekends as one was specifically for
the Master Attunement and the other was for further personal/spiritual develop-
ment. Most of my time has been spent cleaning up the old place in Oceanside
and settling into my new place in Solana Beach. All is going well. I am looking
forward to a fun summer here in Solana Beach!!!
Master Attunement: I am so happy to be in the process of this attunement.
I feel very blessed to have Reiki in my life and to be able to share this with
others. This has so far been the smoothest attunement. I have a headache at the
moment but not as intense as others I have gotten with Reiki Attunements.
These headaches generally pass in time. Sometimes days and sometimes shorter.
The other wonderful thing about Reiki is that I am able to connect with a wonderful
group of healers. We support each other on so many levels.
I am also moving out of Oceanside to Solana Beach. This will place me closer
to Encinitas where yoga keeps bringing me!! Another adventure in my Southern
CA life. 🙂